Choose or select the machinery or vehicle you would like to order by searching through our stock list and making sure you check all the pictures.
Set your purchase conditions, such as country destination and port destination.
Once you have found the machine or vehicle you are interested in, click Buy Now.
If we do not have it on our stock list, kindly let us know so that we can outsource it for you
After making your order, you will receive a Pro Forma invoice with the total shipping cost to the destination country port.
Make a bank wire transfer using the Pro Forma invoice sent to you.
Make sure you scan us a copy of your telegraphic transfer from the bank
Ask your sales representative to get you a PayPal invoice so that you can proceed with the payment.
After payment confirmation, we will organize the shipping to the final destination.
Kenki Trader will also send the original necessary documents like a bill of lading, original invoice, and any other necessary documents depending on the import regulations.
After you have received your shipment and the necessary documents, you can proceed with the customs clearance.